Your Tallness Could Earn You Cash For College

tall cash for college

Seriously. Send this to a friend with a tall high school senior.

High school is a marvelous place where young people can pretend that no one is looking at them with judgment while everyone else is totally looking at them with judgment. Every unformed facet of your being—from your shoe choices to your skin colors—are fodder for public discussion and private dissection. Although extreme height guarantees you’ll be picked last for dodgeball there exists a college scholarship where extreme height is mandatory.

Say hello to Tall Clubs International, who awards up to $1000 scholarships to first-year college students if they are women 5’10″ and above or men 6’2″ and above. The application process requires crafting an essay titled “What Being Tall Means to Me” (which could be the focus of an entire blog), and you’ll need to be sponsored by one of the 50+ local clubs in North America. But if you’re a good well-rounded tall student you certainly have a shot.

The application request ends February 1, 2018, and the submission is deadline is March 1, 2018, so you only have two weeks to make this happen.

Good luck!

Image Credits: Juan Ramos